Page 111 - Kailaspati: Paramhans Hansdevji Avadhoot
P. 111
The King ordered one of his guards to lift the stick from the ground. an able-bodied one tried to lift the stick but failed. The King’s body-guard too tried but he also failed. The King’s men came one after the other and tried but none of them could lift the stick. The stick, with the help of which an old man came to the court, proved to be too heavy for the able-bodied ones to be lifted. Prahlad, the King was taken aback. he remembered that one who emerged from within the crystal pillar and saved him in crisis was now there in the form of the staff lying on the ground. he thought to himself, “so long i forgot sri hari but that Great Benignant One has not yet forgotten me. how merciful is he!”
On being reminded of sri hari, Prahlad’s heart melted. With eyes full of tears he descended from his throne and fell down at the feet of the Brahmin. The feet of the Brahmin were wet with his tears. Prahlad said, “Oh Lord! You have remembered your servant after a very long period of time!”
Vishnu in disguise of the Brahmin said, “i have never forgotten you, instead you forgot me.”
Thus by telling us about the impact of true and false com- panions, Baba told us that as long as a man remains proud, he has to pay for his mistake. To make this point clear, Baba again told us a story.
Once a rich man laid a garden, adjacent to his dwelling place. he got a beautiful pond excavated in that garden and used to spend his happy time while sitting on its bank. The water in that pond was clear and deep. Lest its water should get impure, he did not make any provision for steps to go down to it. The banks surrounding it were too high for anyone to get down or to climb up.
Once a pregnant cow was roaming in search of water. On seeing the pond from far, it ran to it but found no way to reach the water. it made a round of the pond but finding no way in, it jumped into it. it drank to its heart’s content and later on it tried to get out of the pond. it found no way out as the embankments surrounding it were too high. The pond being very deep, there was no way for the cow to get out. The pregnant cow began swimming from one side to the other in search of a way out and eventually
Third Volum: Eighth Taranga 89