Page 39 - Kailaspati: Paramhans Hansdevji Avadhoot
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all. such a show of anger does not last long. Just as water allows no indelible mark on it, this kind of anger gets expressed for the time being and hence it is short-lived. The second type of anger may be compared to a mark or line on a mound or stretch of sand. The third category of anger, being like a mark on a piece of stone lasts till death. The fourth kind is like a mark on a piece of iron and it remains intact even after one’s death. such an expression of anger is really dangerous. One is reborn to avenge the other. Our Baba therefore advised: it’s the duty of every living being to give up anger. One can win over the other by virtue of forgiveness and patience. sri Krishna said that it is lust, anger and greed that pave the way for hell. (Gita16/21). Lust is killed by rationality, while greed by satisfaction. One should, therefore, always try to put an end to all these three vices.
One day, on hearing the words of a bereaved woman, Baba told us a tale. That both joy and woe are short-lived and that they come in a cyclic order was the theme of the said tale. The tale is, as follows:
Once upon a time there lived a jeweller, both renowned and wealthy, in a town. he was so skilled a man that he could instantly determine the value of any ornament brought to him. The more his fame spread and increased, the more he became wealthy. a palatial building, a huge and wide garden and much of riches made an ostentatious display of his wealth. a wife, devoted to him at home, friends outside and loyal attendants added to his cup of happiness. Once that jeweller said to his wife, “a man, as fortunate as i, is really rare on earth. if i touch a handful of dust, it gets converted into gold; everywhere i go gets transformed into a garden of flowers. i am successful at every work i venture, and there is money at every project i put my hand on.”
On listening to him, the honest and devoted wife said that they had reached the pinnacle of success and that they were going to have a downfall soon. and the words of a devoted wife can never be far from truth. Troubles of various kinds got them hemmed in. The friends and the relatives began to isolate themselves from them. all the wealth he had got plundered as a result of public ire. and
First Volume: Fourth Taranga 17